Blitz #1 Night Wynd Enterprises, 1992, b&w.
1 BG 2-1 cover NYC: B-Wang and Blood (wearing a short cut ripped shirt that just about covers his upper chest) walk. Malibu Meatmen come wanting food--people. Blood shoots one in the face as he runs after two girls and a nun from the Church of the Holy Gun. They are in an air car that looks like a bug spray device. This pisses Blood off and he fires at the air car and it blows up, throwing him. One man gets away, leaving Blood on his back. Blood wakes up. He, Tom, returns with two girls, more sacks hanging by ropes. The two little girls are inside. Adam (big ears) and Eric (long black hair and a Howard Stern like face and nose) at a table greet him. They will use the girls for hamburger meat---MacDoogle's will pay alot for them. When Blood shows up, the one that got away, Tom, tells them he killed Dave, Chris, and Scott. Using two guns, Blood shoots holes in the back of their heads as they flee. The girls thank "Mr. Clone" for saving him...over and over. He says, "Alright, shut up." They run back to Sister Mammary. B-Wang hangs onto Mammary's leg, calling her toots. Five air cars, cops, arrive. If they move, they will all be killed. Chief Inspector Dregg, big, bald, fat, and shirtless except for a jacket, and smoking a cigarette. Mammary's chest is bare and presses into the Chief as she talks to him. It has been years since Dregg saw Blood, he has bin lookin for him and sees he still has the teddy bear. In the police HQ, some guy messes his pants, another asks Karen where the hell she is, and another picks his nose, "I got the bastard!!" Dregg keeps his office dark so no one can see the mess. It looks neater that way. A neutra cosmo bomb was stolen and the terrorists will blow up the city unless they allow them to go to the friggin moon. Three hundred of them. Dregg does on, "My men are useless as tits on a bull--whatever that is? I'm worried kid, my eyes looks like two piss holes in a snow bank. This is a tough job-like shovin a wad of butter up a wild cat's ass with a hot knife." The sun goes down and the temp drops: it is still 110. Blood goes home, hoping that stupid robot B-Wang has dinner on. He doesn't: B-Wang is watching the tele. "Oh, sorry, I disturbed you, oh faithful companion," Blood says, taking off his jacket. He has a knife in his boot, "Damn it, I need a HUMAN partner. Trouble is, in my line of work, they keep dying. I guess that's why there's so few private eyes." Blood tells B-Wang he can't live on motor oil like him. Blood relaxes in his little apartment, "Safe at home, ahhh." A bullet smashes into the room and into the wall near his head, just where it was seconds before, "What the fu..." He runs as more gunfire comes from a sniper across the street. B-Wang throws Blood his gun. Blood shoots the sniper. Three sets of footfalls arrive but Blood has a full load and uses it up on the trio who break in. He looks at them, "I only killed ten men today. Must be slipping..." The blood runs cold in his veins. Neighbors go back to dinner. Blaster fire echoes die away. Blood is marked. The war has begun.