Dragonforce #10 Aircel, 1989, b&w.
1 Dragonforce #10 cover Vikings ride like the wind, pursued and shot at with arrows. Bjorn is downed. Torg is one of them. A demon rider fights them, is called a Cylodian pig by one. The Cylodian changes form. Torg seems to slay it, fulfilling a prophecy. As he runs, something watches him. A giant monster (a new one? the Cylodian?) towers over him with a Predator style mouth and a gigantic form. Maire wakes up, power in her hands and a blast of power opens a hole in her wall. She feels she has a premonition and tells this to Ethan who runs into her room, shirtless and in underwear. Kam runs in (looking a bit like Holly) with Ethan. Kam comes out to Kohl and Mark who were in the lab. Kam asks about Mark's recuperation. All Mark's metal is a part of him now and he doesn't need the wheel chair any more at all. Mark is told by Maire he could be a little more optimistic. He tells her, "Bite me." Kam offers to go down and fix them all some breakfast! They start out but a hand comes through a portal into Maire's room. The Vikings come through the portal into Maire's room. Mark and Maire hear the crash.