Dragonforce #3 Aircel, 1988, colour.
1 Dragonforce #3 cover Holly battles her brother while Kohl and Mark face off the aliens. Maire and Kam are lost in the inner workings beneath the spaceship. Maire opens a dimensional doorway to the demon realm and conjures a giant demon to eat the mutant monsters of the aliens. Her magic never worked this well back home on Earthñññin space it seems to work better. The demon thing cuddles up to her. Maire tells Kam she always had that effect on animals, even as a baby. Alaskan Panhandle: 9:30 AM: As oil dumpers dump, one of them, Joe, has to take a piss. He is killed and his partner sees something horrid. In space, the battle rages on. Mark is bloodied in the battle. Ethan has the same device that separated the knights from their own battle armour in the first war with the aliens who took over their home planet. He uses it on Holly. The aliens order Ethan to kill his sister but he questions this. Holly grabs the gem from around Ethan's neckññit was her missing piece from her own gem. It made Ethan's mind susceptible to Heuskabore mind washing. Holly gets Ethan away from the alien guard who attacks him. The demon smashes the alien guard. The girls arrive with it and get the others up and out. They get to the docking bay and fly out in a shuttle. Maire tends to Mark's (the big goof she calls him) wounds. Ethan explains what happened to him. He thanks Holly. She says it was nothing.