Dragonfire #4 Night Wynd, 1992, b&w.
1 Dragonfire #4 cover Roosevelt Island: southern tip of abandoned buildings that was once an asylum. Maire's first action opened the breach and the evil thing waits below in the waters. The killer wants her to make the master free. Drugged, Maire says, "Yes, yes, all must be free." Kohl searches for Maire who vanished as the other building blew up. The cultists fried and the kids were saved. Two kids see Kohl flying overhead. Maire gets through to the evil thing calling to her. Fish die and turn to skeletons (reminiscent of the Oxygen Destroyer in the very first 1954ñ1955 GODZILLA). Human bodies are seen. A man fishing. A girl with pigtails roller blades (PIPPI LONGSTOCKINGS?). Mark and Kam see punks fighting in an alley. Swift and Lee pass a garbage dump. A woman plays with a baby girl. A large black man (who may or may not be a transvestite) watches Simon and Lee. They all search. Mark moves to the gang and sees one black man's eyes go white...totally. A bubble mass follows the roller blade girl (or is it a boy?). The girl sees a skeleton face. The man fishing comes up with a skeleton zombie body. A horned skull face towers over the Roosevelt building. The thing sticks out its tongue and wraps it around the killer, going inside the killer's mouth. It kills the killer in its tongue and eats him, then picks up Maire, who is horrified she did this. Kam gets a message from Maire. Simon and Neji run from the white eyed man trying to hold them (they are barefoot for some reason). A one eyed man comes out of the garbage and after Swift and Lee. Swift and Lee meet Simon and Neji. Swift says, "You guys, we in deep shit!" The city has gone nuts. They stand together. A large fly moves around. Flies buzz about. The punks who were after the boys float away and turn into skeletons. Mark punches one punk and he goes shooting up into the air. Far up. Mark thinks, "Shoot. I didn't hit him that hard." The large form of the monster looms over the buildings looking to Kam like a prehistoric monster. It is feeding all the city's hate. Kam's sword has little effect on it: its skin is like self sealing rubber. Simon and Neji come running to Mark. Maire is acting like a conductor as it is composed of all negative energy flowing into it from all over the area by way of the magical lay lines in the Earth. Kam is impressed that Neji figured this out but Neji tells her it was Simon really. He tells her, "Yea, I got it out of this FOXFIRE book!" Kam says, "You've gambled the fate of the city on a comic book?!" Neji says, "Hey, if you can't believe in comics, what else is there?" Mark tells Kohl. Kohl tells Maire to block the flow of energy. Maire does and reverses it to boot. The creature blows up. Two days later: Mark visited Maire in the hospital and she will be fine.l Neji and Simon eat ice cream cones. Kohl hopes they all learned a lesson. A man asks the kids if they want to score some drugs.