Dragonfire: The Classified Files #2 Night Wynd, 1992, b&w.
s Dragonfire: The Classified Files #2 cover Manhattan, NY: Mattman the mystic buys an expensive book with a pentagram on it. Maire, in her luxury apartments across town, feels a tremor in the Field. A barely noticeable and subtle ripple. She uses the Globe of Azeroth to help her locate it. The book "ain't" in English, Mattman finds. He smokes a long cigarette. A demon monster jumps on him after he felt he was being watched ever since he opened the book. Maire is pulled into a vortex and appears, via a hole, in Mattman's home. "There goes my security deposit," he says, "Nice TaóTas!" Two demons come after Maire. Maire blasts the demons and asks Mattman what is going on. The whole area shakes. Mattman keeps making suggestions to Maire, supposedly comical ones. Maire wonders why he is dressed with old style wizard clothing with a turban and a jewel in it. Maire tells Mattman he opened a door. A giant demon comes through. Mattman picks up Maire, noticing her nice ass. The demon finds the place too small and blasts the roof off. Mattman thinks the landlord is going to die. Mattman, the Mystic was hoping to be more than just a dime store magician. Mattman shoots the demon as Maire tells him to get the book. Maire calls him an idiot. He says, "I love it when you talk dirty." The demon asks who dares and Maire tells it that Mattman does. Mattman calls the demon Anthrax as he shoots it some more. Maire gets the book as the demon wants the whole, bigger than his world world. She makes the pages come out of the book, "Now page off." It curses at her. It vanishes. Maire hits Mattman and tells him not to screw around with things he doesn't understand and to clean up this mess. One of the books on the floor is a NIGHT WYND comic. As Maire leaves, Mattman says, "She wants me. She wants me, big time."