Elflord #3 Nightwynd, Aug 1980, b&w.
R Elflord #3 cover Elflord #3 cover Falcon removes his jacket and shirt, ready to do things to the Princess like make love to her. She slaps him. Raven's body is eaten by monster dragon. Springstorm arrives and shoots at the dragon with Purebreeze and Windblade. Springstorm tells Hawk that life in Greenhaven can be boring at times but couldn't he find a better way to help pass the time. They found Velvet missing, too. They follow the trail across the wastelands to the castle where Velvet is held captive in. Hawk yells at Windblade, who thinks it is too scary in the castle, "Velvet is in there! We must!" Windblade says, "Sorry." Hawk apologizes to him. Windblade will go with him, he leads, Windblade followsññhe has to. Purebreeze and Springstorm feel the same way. They creep up the walls and Windblade puts a star into a guard's head. Falcon gets off Velvet, both totally naked as a guard reports. Falcon dresses and leaves Velvet with a troll, telling it to do what he will with her and then kill her! Purebreeze uses pointed brass knuckles on a troll and two swords into his chest. Smashing the face of a troll, Springstorm notices Falcon riding out on a horse out a back way. Hawk's shirt is ripped off in the fighting and hangs in shreds about his waist. He runs up to the spot Velvet is in and kills the troll but finds Velvet with a sword in her stomach and her top off. The elves kill all the dwarves. Hawk carries the dead princess down to them, telling Windblade she is just sleeping. Purebreeze tells Windblade to let Hawk go, not even he can comfort Hawk now. Hawk says he will take the princess out to watch the sunset together one last time. Hawk is crying tears. Falcon tells the king that Hawk killed the princess, going insane. The king promises to hunt Hawk down and cut his heart out himself! Hawk buries the princess and puts a cross over her grave. NEXT ISSUE: Warlord Hawk Erickson's revenge and the conclusion of this three part tale in ...LORD OF SORROW.