Elflord #4 Nightwynd, Jul 1980, b&w.
R Elflord #4 cover Elflord #4 cover Shirtless Windblade bring food and drink to a shirtless and mourning Hawk outside the city. Springstorm and Purebreeze have been in the city for almost two days. When Purebreeze rides to them and tells them that Hawk killed Velvet, Windblade cries (sigh!). Springstorm is gathering elves loyal to Hawk to meet the trio tomorrow. 90 miles west, the king and 100 of his knights and soldiers are in the mountains, looking for Hawk and his squire Windblade Greensleeve. Purebreeze tells Hawk that she and Springstorm agreed to meet at the canyon because she and he used to come here to...she tells Hawk that is another story. 50 elves ride up with Springstorm. All hail Warlord Hawk. The day is spent with each army riding to each other. 150 horsemen ride at each other and do battle. An elf has a punk haircut and a star on his forehead. As the king sneaks up behind Hawk, both their swords bloody, Windblade puts a sword into the side of the king's chest. Hawk follows the fleeing Falcon (whose hair looks darker than before and darker than his later counterpart), jumps him off his horse, and fights him near a beach. Falcon manages to slice across Hawk's lower chest but Hawk elbows Falcon near his good eye. Hawk then beats him up. Falcon, in the water, tells Hawk he has had enough and will let him go free. Hawk punches him. As Falcon pleads for his life, telling Hawk he can get him hundreds of girls, what is one more wench's life, Hawk makes him get up. Falcon asks if Hawk is going to kill him and Hawk says, "You'd better believe it, dog!" Hawk punches his fist right through Falcon's stomach. Riding up on his horse, Springstorm tells Hawk that it is over and the king's men have taken him back to the castle. Hawk feels it is his revenge but it leaves a bitter taste in his mouthññwithout Velvet it seems so empty. Two days later, the king's life ebbs away. Hawk takes the dead king's crown and tells anyone who would oppose him to come forward and join his dead monarch. He puts the crown on and al hail King Hawk Erickson.