Elflord #7 Nightwynd, Jan/Feb 1981, b&w.
R Elflord #7 cover Elflord #7 cover Springstorm feels it is as cold as Wigan's teat. Purebreeze tells him his vocabulary is as eloquent as ever. Springstorm jokes that with her bod and his mouth and they could...Purebreeze uses her spear sword to tell him to shut up, telling him she will demonstrate what her bod can do to his big mouth. She also addressed him by calling him "little one." A one eyed, three fingered cyclopean giant attacks, and chases Purebreeze as Hawk falls through a trap door. Purebreeze puts her swords into its brain and kills it. She tells Springstorm, who already shot it but only angered it not to talk to her.
CHAPTER 2ñWindblade, almost naked, in his dank cell. Tamir, Swiftaxe, and Hue come to get him out. Hue is not very nice, insulting Windblade, who had tears in his eyes as Moonstar touched his hand through the bars. Swiftaxe is mad at her father, calling Windblade "so cute." Hue doesn't want Swiftaxe to call Windblade his son and Hue won't either. Windblade is half elf, a smooth skinned mush eatin' half elf, Hue tells her. Hue sees a giant robot moving down steps at them and says, "By the black nebula and me aunt McAlister's drawers!" The black elf, Springstorm has his shirt off as he tries to open the trap door that took Hawk. Purebreeze tells him to lay off those desserts for a week or two and he would be able to move it. Purebreeze wants to get 200 elves from the ship.
CHAPTER 3ñOn a bridge over a deep pit (bottomless?) Hawk fights a four armed Srith and kills it, stabbing it and knocking. Another arrives and he fights it. It knocks him down and grabs him in a body hold. Hawk stabs it, his shirt only half ripped off this time. Condor arrives and calls the Srith by the name Sirth. Condor believes Hawk too weak to lift their father's sword. He will kill him.