Elflord vol. 2 #22 Aircel, 1988, colour.
2 Elflord vol. 2 #22 cover "Red Sails in the Sunset"
A gull flies over Gov'Ner Alabaster and his chubby Oriental like aide Zoot are in a small rowboat set adrift by pirates. They come upon Hawk's ship and crew. A four armed black being, Cindrian is in the mast. Captain Leif takes them aboard, telling his sad eyed boyish helmsman to go easy. Alabaster goes ape when he sees Windy but Leif sticks up for Windy. Leif puts Windy's head, telling him that prejudice against white haired elves is a landlubbers' problem. Pirates killed all Alabaster's crew except for his daughter Shann. At dinner, as he sometimes wears, Turo has his hair in a long ponytail. Windy tells Alabaster he should care about his daughter. The pirates are heading for their loot on Sauron's Haunt. A few days later, they head for the island. Perrigrin, a cat like boy sees a skull and crossbones on a ship already there. Perrigrin, a muscular pirate elf, an old bearded elf, a skinny older elf, and an elf with a bald head except for a thick mane tied above go ashore. Turo asks Windy if he'd like to do some fishing off the ship but Windy hates touching the worms. Alabaster talks to Zoot while Windy and Turo overhear it. Alabaster is more worried about getting to Bonnishore to his governorship. Alabaster mentions these pirates were not of Black Vulture's men. A pirate trying to get a smooch off the blond girl is shot by one of Hawk's crew (Perrigrin maybe). They keep the rest of the pirate crew busy with gunfire. Hawk stops the captain who loses his hat, telling Hawk the boy gave him a start. Hawk says, "Prepare to die, oaf." The captain seems to get the better of Hawk, kneeing him and then tossing him down. As he is down in the water off the beach, the captain runs at him, sword upraised. Hawk blocks it with his own sword, moving from his prone and hurt position. The captain cuts off Hawk's right pigtail and hits his cheek. Hawk cuts the captain's arm. Hawk holds the other arm and slices across the captain's belly, then upward to his chest, killing him. The next day's night: Alabaster asks curly topped Eagle how long to Bonnishore——2 or 3 days. He hugs Eagle, telling him he will reward the boys himself. They have the treasure and Hawk grows close to the daughter. There will be a scar on Hawk's face, she fears. Hawk says, "Something to remember you by." By the sun's setting, they kiss on the ship

By Barry Blair.