Elflord vol. 2 #27 Aircel, Feb 1989, b&w.
2 Elflord vol. 2 #27 cover As Leif, Windy, Hawk, McTutt, and Turo looks at the map on the ship, Windy notices the isle is in the middle of a river which goes into the kingdom of the High Elves, which Turo tells them are supposed to be magical, too. Leif tells them those are just rumors. Hawk wears an open shirt tucked into the belt. Bran tells the others that the packrat tunnels go on forever...an end has never been found. A Srith grabs a guard of Bran's and bites his arm while also grabbing another. Gremlins are with it. Bran, Falcon, Purebreeze, and their little blond squire run right into a boy with black hair, a tiny skull pendant holding his outfit on over a bare stomach and under and to the side of bare nipples and a loin cloth held by pearls of some kind or bones. When Bran says, "Great Spirit," the boy says, "Not quite, Bran but close. You may call me Dao, king of the underworld." Gremlins are behind him. Pirate coast: Greylone's chin is starting to drip just like Overlord's did. Eye of newt, putty hair, mud from the sea of stones, liver of a troll and McTutt's flag are carried by the Shade to Greylone. He drinks some of it. Nendo has a turtle that looks like McTutt. She puts it in the cauldron. Greylone puts a spell on it from the dark gates of the Black Nebula, for evil to fill the turtle and let him come to life and fire incarnate as Dark McTutt. He flies out of the pot. Vulture and Wraith find the Poison River and Vulture plans to rid of Hawk and Windblade who will be here in a few days. There can be only one (groan). In a small boat are Windy, Leif, Turo, McTutt, Perrigrin and another. They go ashore to make camp for the night. Windy and Turo explore the bank with McTutt. Turo likes the pretty rocks. Windy wants to look for shells. Windy wants to get a starfish as he and Turo discuss the Isle of White Haired Elves. Turo wonders if the Elves there will let Hawk and Windy stay but not him. Windy tells him no one can ever send him away. They will always be together. Windy hugs him. Shade bags McTutt as the Dark McTutt nears. Dao has a shirtless Bran tied to a wooden pole, touching his chest. Dao blames Bran for leaving him behind down here. His friends will die right away but he has all sorts of things for Bran. Dark McTutt, always wearing a frown, goes back with Turo and Windy.