Elflord vol. 2 #5 Aircel, 1986, colour.
1 Elflord vol. 2 #5 cover Hawk broke off from Ravenclaw in an effort to lure him away from his prisoners. They meet on a bridge over hat lava. The boy prisoners have swords and have been freed by Greylone. Greylone sets them to attack the Sriths behind Ravenclaw. The old wizard left a blond elf and a brown haired elf to guard Windblade, all in tatters of their original bottom wear. Windy hears the name Cloudshadow and runs from the two. He sees a crystal ball floating.
On the raft, Nixel, a brown haired page boy believes Garth is cheating at cards. The boy Purebreeze calls Nixel goes back to a blond who cut through the tiller; the blond calls Nixel Fen (short for Fenris). Legend has it a great dragon's head landed in the bend of the river and its teeth stick up, waiting to trap unwary travelers. Grimwart wants to walk, frightened by the legend. Nixel fakes that the tiller is broke but sneaks up behind Purebreeze to kill her with his knife. An arrow hits him in the back and comes out his upper chest. The dragonsteeth seem to close in on them. Fen finds his dead or dying buddy. Everyone has to jump off as the teeth crush the raft. Sparrow and Purebreeze see a giant demon—like giant with horns, called Rog of the Vranik—Zai, the most powerful of all trolls who made the teeth live again. In his hand in the ankle of a page boy. On the edge of the river, trolls call out his name. Purebreeze abandons her armor and swims to shore. The survivors see Fenris going to ask Vranik—Zai why he killed Nixel. The troll starts to remove a knife but the other trolls fire arrows at Fenris but he runs away. He threatens them: Cloudshadow's eye protects him. He wants them to surrender or be eaten alive or worse: have the mountain crash down on them. Purebreeze gives him the finger. Falcon smiles, "You tell him, girl," sounding very 1990—ish. As starts to do this, Fenris jumps him from behind and landing on the troll's head, cuts into his eye. Garth leads the others through a tunnel as the mountains crashes anyway.
A very nice two page spread of Hawk battling Ravenclaw and the bare chested and legged boys fighting the Sriths. Some boy elves lay down in blood, dying or dead. A few Sriths are dead. One boy hangs off a ledge; another is picked up by a Srith.
Windy begins to resist the temptations of Cloudshadow as she calls to him. He will not let the evil side of the white haired ones destroy again (Elfheim was destroyed by their evil side). Behind Hawk and Ravenclaw, battle a kid and a Srith as well as others who seem to be trapped by the creature. Other boys hold their swords up high in victory. Hawk chops off Ravenclaw's sword hand just as Hawk was knocked down. Hawk kicks Ravenclaw off the bridge. Windy has destroyed the moonstone. The sliver of moonstone Cloudshadow gave the troll shaman is in the hands of Fenris. She makes it stick to his head and then his eyes turn as blue as the stone. He will be made her slave and assassin. She wonders how much mischief he can be made to do.
  Backup story first page Backup story: "Shadow Market".
A London—like place: human Carstairs, Captain Binky (a pirate like elf with white beard, cap, a hook for a hand, and peg leg), a Major who is British and who plays chess with a tall skinny older elf with a white stripe down the middle of his gray—black hair and goatee of white as well as a black beard (looking not unlike one of the hosts of the DC comics old House of Mystery of Tales of Terror or something like that). One of Bran's Packrats leads two others: the leader wears furs and a blue headband. Second is a blond who wears a crisscrossed fur top, his chest and stomach bare and short shorts. The brown haired one is dressed like the first. Bran and his packrats are scouts for the humans. They are Packrats and are stopped by a big man, his elf pack of olders, a few hooded types, and a reptile like being. These are of the Thieves Guild. In the middle of all this, a girl, wearing a blue vest and not much else up top, long leather (?) pants, comes, asking for the nearest tavern. The reptile grabs a brown haired elf around the throat, jumping on him and putting his knife to the boy's neck. Another is pounced on by the big man, a human with spiked wrist covers. A boy with blue hair, fur on his shoulders and loin cloth arrives, feeling he is too late. His hips are bare, in fact his whole side is bare from under the arm down to the legs, covered only by the fur and very skimpy loin cloth. He uses nunchuks to hit a red haired intruder in the face as he attacked the girl (who has purple hair). He also knocks down the others. The girl says, "Nobody likes a showoff kid." One of the elves got away. Bran kisses the girl and she knees him between his legs, "Never lead your guard, packrat." She walks away, leaving him holding between his legs.