Elflore #3 Night Wynd, 1992, b&w.
1 Elflore #3 cover Below Crater Desert Falcon hangs as another boy, blonde Krill, watches——he has a nose ring and a lock on his loin cloth belt. He also seems amused at watching Falcon die and has a nipple ring on his right nipple. Falcon hangs and on the INSIDE FRONT COVER, the same shot is sided not by other hanging elves but troll like torturers who hold Falcon. Krill will go get more coal for the fire beneath Falcon. Falcon tells him anything to get him away from him. Kim, in only shorts now, nothing else, is with Koulmak. He lets Kim guard him while he sleeps. Kim picks up the gem that Koulmak drops and runs out. The page of Phlagulos yawns (he does not have straps between his nipple rings and around his neck, in fact there is no neck strap at all and this may or may not be the same boy with the torch from last issue!). Phlagulos feels he doesn't beat his page boy enough. Korlak the vile puke face (as Purebreeze calls him) that took Purebreeze to Koulmak wants to be friends with her. The three fingered beast unties her but she cracks his face and punches him, "Fool!" She throws him into the rock wall and flips him. He has two toes. Kim rescues Falcon. Four hand holding blonds with nose rings return with Krill but they back off when Kim shows them he has the gem. Kim makes the magic winds take them up the shaft to the sunlight above. The blond boys go up after them, flying too. Krill seems to be leading. Falcon kicks the leading one——Krill. Koulmak wakes up and finds out what is going on, his hand clawing blood from a candle elf. Korlak warns the wizard, an elf boy with a nose ring helping him get to him. Kim and Falcon get out. Krill and his following slave boys fall. The wizard Koulmak won't let them fall. There appear to be three of them that followed them up. The wizard is trying to think of what to turn the three into. Purebreeze gets out of the chamber via rope. She goes through a tunnel and finds a statue boy——Chi. Far across the desert Kim is on his back, wondering if they escaped. Falcon gets off his back, "Yes, you might say that." They start to walk. The squishing, splatting sounds of Phlagulos sound off as he calls for the gems to come to him both. With them he will be ruler of the world.