Elflore #4 Night Wynd, 1992, b&w.
1 Elflore #4 cover A wonderful first page as Falcon and Kim stand almost naked in the hot desert heat. Kim wants Falcon to let him use the magic jem (different spelling of gem) he stole. Falcon is not sure how it works. It responds to him but Falcon tells him so would a swamp slime sucker but they wouldn't use it either. Kim giggles, hoping they find water soon. White clouds are in the sky. A rat is around an elf boy's podium. He has a rope tied around his waist above his navel in a bow and an eye in his mouth. Falcon tells Kim now the wizard knows they are here in the desert for this is how those stinking wizards keep watch in the desert. Koulmak sees them, calling Kim his ex—slave. NOTE: Kim was really the ex slave of Phlagulos. Koulmak calls him a catamite. The wizard turns into a flying bat thing monster that attacks the pair of boy elves. Falcon picks up a rock and tosses it into the head of the bird thing. The thing grabs Falcon but he tackles it and Kim helps him. If he loses his shape, which he does, he will dragged back to the city with the two of them hanging on. If he does this, he cannot cope with the strain. He starts to shrivel. Phlagulos finds his gem stolen as well. Just outside his tower, the page boy with black hair finds the frozen boy with blond hair unfrozen. The boy it would seem was frozen a longer time than just the year that Phlagulos told Falcon he was...a long, long time...centuries probably. The page tells him he is sorry. The unfrozen statue boy is called TYSO (the name of one of THE TOMORROW PEOPLE from the British TV show that Barry likes and once drew a near revival promotional book for). Tyso asks his freer his name. The page boy tells Tyso that the Master called him Jethel. Jethel has the gem and always wanted to be a wizard. Tyso wants revenge on one. Purebreeze is trying to find her way out of the tunnels. Koulmak's head is off and the back of his head is gone. Falcon is on his belly near the blood and on top of some of it...the wizard didn't make it. The two boy—elves are back in the city. Falcon sees Koulmak's remains, "Yeech." A block away, Phlagulos feels the gem power. The wizard cannot find Sickell at the gates, "What could have killed him!?" He finds Falcon and Kim. Kim calls him, "Eggbard." He calls Kim an ass and wants the gem. Purebreeze shows up as does Tyso and Jethel from another side. Tyso and Jethel push him but he doesn't really move. He tells them he could fart and exterminate them. Sickell's essence is now his, absorbed, so he can teleport away in a light. He will back for the gems, he says as he shoots away like a small meteor. Purebreeze is for getting out of the city as Falcon suggests. Purebreeze knows they will meet up with the fat pig wizard again and soon.