Elfheim vol. 4 #3 Night Wynd, 1993, b&w.
1 Elfheim vol. 4 #3 cover Dao complains about eating roots as they are trapped below Skytorn Mountain. Hawk, for some reason, tells a quiet (for once) Bran that they will think of something. Leaf knows they blame him. He feels he is a useless glorified slave. Windy's suit now has a mouth cover plug on it. Garth removes it. Windy wonders if he has sided with Ichi. Garth wonders if he should free Windy. Garth wants to own Windy now that he has rescued him. Windy wants to break Nendo's spells but Garth just puts the plug back in his mouth. Nendo knows that this place is sitting across four powerful lay lines. She feels Ichi is a lucky little prick. She has to use witchcraft to get her power. Ichi's wild and frizzy hair frizzes more as he sucks more power. He sees it all now and tells her there is to be a war. He knows a demon watches them and laughs and is excited by their strife. He tells her to go and she calls him a jerk. Hawk misses Windy alot and that clouded his judgement. He tells Bran they should forgive Leaf which prompts a more innocent looking Bran to say, "Hawk Erickson, you truly are Elflord." Garth has been walking Windy for ages and gotten nowhere...due to mage spells. Garth threatens to put sand in Windy's nice little leather costume. Nendo arrives, "Fee Fie Foe Fum! I smell the blood of a white hair scum!" Nendo suddenly calls Ichi for help. A demon has wrapped his arm and hand around Ichi覧Borgamul. NOTE: On this page, Ichi's face and possibly body looks like a photograph mixed with a drawing, giving a rather odd output. Nendo tells Windy not to be so hasty, "It's me, old Nendy poo." He won't kill the cow but he will knock her out覧which makes her castle defenses be gone. Windy wants to summon Hawk to deal with Ichi and Garth. Garth says, "Oh oh."
    Backup story: "Stardusters"
  Backup story first page Photos of planes fly past an emerging dolphin giant末Silverband and the effect is rather nice. Silverband's energy field holds off the jet Red Dog fighters. Tapiet calls the jet a sonofabitch. Tapiet uses his grenades. Red Dog leader is called and told the thing got two of his men but we see parachutes so they must have survived. The dolphin goes into space. Shuttle Enterprise calls, "We've got a gigantic dolphin on our port side. What'll we do?" Another pilot thinks, "Bend over and kiss your ass good肪ye!" There is also a man with a jet pack on out in space not even half of the size of the eye of Silverband. Tapiet will meet Bluey and tell him about the plan to switch into the faerie dimension. Hewill do this once they finish scaring the shit out of the dirtsiders (humans). The pack cauterize the atmosphere over Skillyhope so any more worms won't suffer the same agony passing into the atmosphere again. Tapiet pops back into the human dimension and onto Earth. The grubs crash into the ocean to try to change like Silverband did末but they can't be seen since they are in faerie but they do take up space in both dimensions. Some kid (who looks Oriental and is probably Lee) in denim shorts comes with a fishing pole, "What the hell is he supposed to be?!" He pulls Tapiet's hair and slaps his face and ears. "See ya around fluff butt." Tapiet falls, "Creep! Rotten bully!" Tapiet snaps a stick, "If I ever find that asshole again..!" He hears the kid's laugh coming from the house and finds Finn there with Tapiet's new roommates: Lee, Neji, Simon, and Eric (?). He will now be sharing his area末the guest house. Kohl is there too. Tapiet gets mad and tells him he would like it as much as grenade up the butt. He leaves, with one boy calling him a snob, Simon asking what his problem is, and Neji asking who wants to share with him anyway. Lee gives him the finger. He sneaks back into the house bedroom to get his belongings and hears them dissing him, "Who cares! They're dragonshits!" He leaves, crying, but doesn't want them to see