Elflore vol. 3 #4 Night Wynd, 1993, b&w.
1 Elflore vol. 3 #4 cover Falcon wonders where the fat bastard of the governor is as the Keep is attacked. The Dragon Lord rises over Kahnstahntinopahl. It takes another servant boy and puts him in his mouth, liking the spice about the boys. He needs a center, a grounding. He needs something living, a magic blood to keep him here in this world. He doesn't digest the slaves he eats. It tickles him as they go down shrieking. They go to a different stomach eventually to a place where they are magically sustained. Turo Tourhan calms the others in the dragon's insides. They are all tumbled together and hugging each other. One boy with short cropped hair, shaven on the sides, says, "Please let me die." Turo knows a good friend will come for him. "I know it." Falcon and Kim at the keep seem to slide down poles to attack. German helmeted soldier elves attack with them. They attack big ogre like trolls, other elves, evil looking older elves. One soldier is stabbed right through his belly, out his back, the sword bloody, and picked up off the ground. Bran tells Nendo to use them as she will but not like this. She tells him to shaddup and take it like a balloon. He tells her he will be her slave forever along with Leaf if she lets them go. She lets them go and crashes down, "Suckers!" They fly up. The edge of the crater of Nendo is lined with dead or dying elf bodies. Falcon tells Kim it was a witch, "I knew magic would get into this!" Other ships engaged but one with Purebreeze on it, prepares to attack. Bran and Leaf, bloated, foul up the lines. Suddenly, Hawk, Dao, and Windblade (I think this is Windblade or is it someone else––Kibbi?) are on the airship too...via magic. Hawk tells her, "The explanation will have to wait till we WIPE OUT THE CREW OF THIS SHIP!"
    Backup story: "Foxfire: School Daze" part 2.
  Backup story first page Herbalism: four winds oil; a month has past since the WAIF WARS and all is quiet. Foxfire tells Koogie and Tapiet that he is going to start furring up...all those autumn breezes are nippy on a bare butt. It is the first week of September. Foxfire will teach Tapiet which herbs and plants are good and they will start storing up. Koogie hears the Dragondorks coming back. The four boys are starting school at the Skillyhope Peninsula. Fox and Tapiet tell them not to trespass. Simon tells them to sod off. Simon tells Neji not to make a fuss: they can't help being ignorant little savages with no schooling. Neji says they are illiterate hicks. Perri says they are inferior. Lee says bums for the rest of their lives. Tapiet and Foxy make funof the way the boys talk and walk and Koogie joins in, teasing that they "is doomed to be iggeranat slobs" "a life of beer bellies and sweat stains" and as Koogie says, "Dumber than mule shit." Tapiet says, "The strut of a slut is mainly in the butt." Lee hears one more crack out of them and he will chop some necks. They follow the boys to school. Tapiet asks, "And where is that bitchy strut?" Fox says, "In the butt, in the butt." A teacher with beret, moustache, monocle, and mean temper yells at all the poofs to get in. Tapiet asks what that is. They spy on the class. This is Colonel Snodsquint who will make men out of them. Skillyhope, he claims is a magnet for real men, covered in guts and glory. Leif Erickson was shipwrecked on this very spot, loosing the star of time and life, a crystal said to have dropped from the heavens, bringing eternal life and the ability to travel through time. Foxy has heard something about that. The janitor knows teacher knows and runs off to tell Master Horribin. Inside, Lee and the other boys are drawing star stones.