Elflord: Summer's Magic #4 Night Wynd, 1993, b&w.
1 Elflord: Summer's Magic #4 cover Cardinal's courtyard: Hawk grabs a page boy who Bran wants Hawk to slap around. Dao discovers that the statues in the courtyard are real末warm living bodies末mostly boy pages, naked. Two curly hairs are hugging each other, solid. Another is naked. Pages and acolytes, the page boy with the lantern says, are frozen by Cloudshadow as decoration. Cloudshadow has Mully chained around a large pole brace of stone. She needs Ravenclaw here to torture little Mully so that his father will come. She tells Wisper, a Shade, and his friends (an evil Gremlin, a smaller black troll, and another Shade) to deal with it. Wisper and another Shade have on tank tops with open vees down the middle, baring their chests and stomachs. Cloudshadow pulls the tongue out of a page boy near the Cardinal but doesn't remove it, only elongates it as she tells him the Shade Master, his friend, is not going to be in power. She knows Wisper, a child, will fail to stop Hawk but it will delay him. She tells Ravenclaw, "Yank something on Mully hard!" Cardinal can't take this. Hawk tells Bran and Dao that what they feel is magic, "Windblade gives off the same vibrations. Erotic. He calls it ecstatic aura. They all have it." It is hot in the passage. Hawk and his friends are ambushed by Wisper and his group. A Shade gets ontop of Dao, straddling him but Dao makes the second Shade bend torso over as his knees are bent on the floor and then whacks him. A fire starts. Bran is getting squished by the troll but Dao chops it away from Bran but is attacked by it himself. Wisper is about to put his knife into Hawk, on top of him but asks, "How...how can you do this?" Hawk's sword is out the Shade Wisper's back, "I am Elflord!" It is coming out his back but is shoved from his stomach out. Dao cuts the head off the troll which was trying to split Dao's legs apart. Dao puts his hands around Bran. Hawk has the second Shade, his shoulder on his costume ripped off末this one will show them the way. The evil Gremlin has a blond member of Hawk's末a page boy. The closer Borgamul gets the more agitated Mully gets末a spell by Cloudshadow. An egg appears and blows open末containing Leaf! Burgamul (spelled different at times) talks through Leaf's body, Leaf's hair down. He tells them to do what they will to this body末he is safe. The strain will probably drive Leaf insane anyway. Ravenclaw says, "That will come later." Mully cries, "Father!" Cloudshadow tells the demon that he does, indeed, meddle in the affairs of humans and has two Sidhe captive. She will give him another Sidhe and his son back. The demon siphons off Sidhe's powers. The demon leaves the body of Leaf here while he considers.
    Backup story: "Shadowdance"
  Backup story first page Cinnibon, on the human容lfin border, a drowning city. Moss and permeating wet. Broken buildings and Venice like water ways. A den of mercenaries, thugs, thieves is thebrother of the Elfin king. A round ear drinks. They want to find the brother of the Elfin king. A shirtless thong妖rape wearing almost naked skinny elf boy dances. Hawk and his younger brother were separated. When presented to his brother, the human hopes to be made king's champion. A ghoul faced elf in a robe presents the dancing boy (or another dancing boy? It is difficult to tell). Poetry graces this graphic and subtle story. The ghoul owner wants a price for the boy: every year a temple has the boys of the Order Dance which causes a rift in space and a great gem appears. The soul of their powers. It costs them dearly and the gem is only visible for an instant. He believes Sparrow could dance it into existence. The ghoul face will get the gem and the stealers will get the boy. Dance partners and other boys tell Sparrow he had the crowd transfixed and they he did well. One has straight lite hair, the other has more thick hair and maybe brown hair. A black hair behind them is angry and jealous, gives him the finger and calls him a show off when Sparrow says he just loves to dance, that's all. Three humans hold Tipp, a dancer friend of Sparrow's. They take Sparrow. In the temple, four dancing boys with short cut tops and thongs ask the Master if they can rest覧they fear the dance will cause them to die. The Master tells them it probably will and he doesn't care...no one cares, he tells them. He is a human. He tells them there are plenty more elves where they came from. In 2 days, they will dance for the gem. If does not appear, they will be sacrificed anyway. He grabs one with a long ponytail by the throat. Men arrive and have the dancing boy.