Elflord: Return of the King #3 Night Wynd, 1993, b&w.
1 Elflord: Return of the King #3 cover Outside Greenhaven: Hawk, Falcon, Dao, Bran, Windy, Turo, and others walk to find Purebreeze. Falcon asks if Hawk if afraid but he tells him they should get going. Tyso asks if they really hate each other but Turo tells him it is more like rivalry. Bran tells them Turo's right but is still a moron. Turo tells Bran to dry up. Windblade is looking after Greenhaven and someone says, "We're screwed," to that. Windy tells Jethel that everyone he loves is gone. Leaf says, "Oh, thanks a lot." Jethel misses Tyso. Windy tells Leaf he knows what he means——the three of them share magic but he has known them for years. Windblade tells Jethel that in these stupid outfits Hawk makes them wear he is freezing. Leaf tells them he feels the same way and they should get inside before their noodles drop off. A cardinal expresses hate for Windy, calling him among other insults, a catamite. His religion of the Crescent Moon is threatened by Windblade. An acolyte tries to calm the Cardinal down——an elf boy with curly hair (Spanish?). Cardinal covers the boy's mouth and nose but someone arrives: the Shade Master. Another acolyte announces him. The Shade Master tells Cardinal he will not see the little bastard again, the one that brought him here...he is very occupied. They plot to get rid of Windblade. Far away, Falcon the tracker finds signs that are a day old: what is left of Purebreeze's party, torn apart. One escaped and ran. They follow the tracks. Jethel, Windy, and Leaf are spread eagle—ing their legs. Windy asks if Jethel feels it...he does. Leaf says, "So do I. My onions are gonna go shooting off in a second..!" They are trying to weave a spell to follow Hawk's progress. Jethel asks, "What's that popping sound coming from my...?" Sidhe magic is supposed to hurt, Leaf tells him. Windy tells Leaf not to be so hard on Jethy. Ichi used to say it has to hurt real bad or it is not working. Windy tells him Ichi was evil, his magic hurt everybody. Windy touches Leaf's forehead with his pointer finger, telling him Sidhe magic is good and it should feel good. Very good. Leaf feels good. Ichi used only negative emotions, strong but limiting. Love knows no bounds. It just keeps expanding. Leaf wants Windy to keep it going. The page boy comes in, the spell is broken. Leaf, angry, yells, "Broken?!? Over?!? Kill him!!" Windy tells Leaf to recover here while Jethy and he go see the cardinal. Skytorn Mts: Hawk doesn't like that the trail has lead them into a ravine, everyone is cold. Falcon tells Dao to beat the squires if they are frozen. He is going on. They all hope Purebreeze is alive. Above them is Ravenclaw on a ledge. Behind them is a rock troll——a giant reaching its hand out for them. Greenhaven: Windy tells Cardinal that he wishes the Great Spirit blesses him but Cardinalcalls him a slut and tells him not to use the name. He accuses Windy of being a heretic and tells him he hates him. He tells him he is a mocker of religion. He pulls a lever and the page boy, Windy, and Jethel fall into a trap floor door. The page boy holds on, begging the cardinal to pull him up. Cardinal tells him to let go and seems to step on his hand to make him fall. They land in muck. Windy tells them they can try to hold each other up. The page tells them he is so sorry and cries. Something seems to be coming at them. Neverwhere: dark boys hang by their hands on the ceiling underground, a huge muscled demon king, Borgamul calls his demonette son Mully. They have pointy tails and ears, fangs, horns, and ear rings. Mully has a nose ring and a spiked collar. The Elfin folk interest Borgamul. They examine one of the hapless souls (an elf boy with a nose ring and no shirt on) sent to them to suffer which changes those sent so. It is all the demonette boy has known. Mully fears that his father has become too fond of the Elfin people.
    Backup story: "China Sea" part 3.
  Backup story first page by Barry blair and angel De mioche: Troy wakes up and sees a native witch doctor yedda myn binging away over him. He is surrounded by the tribal boys. The doc goes on: Bow 10, pecka waka wikky. Troy gets mud thrown on his face and wants the doc away from him. Eric laughs as Da–Feng tells him to call the Doctor Spud. His arm is fine now and his bruises and cuts are gone. Nazis and other dementos are all over the island. Da Feng and his tribe have been forced to the Caves of Eternity. The little doctor boy tells Eric that even though they are immortal, when their bodies are brutalized too much, it takes years to completely heal. Until they do, anyone coming upon them in their half life state will have will–less slave. A little boy–the Doctor as he tells Troy and Eric this information is on top of Troy's face when he swims in the lake with Eric and DaFeng. In that state, the boys will know what they are doing but cannot deny them––they will be forced to do their bidding. The Nazis have taken over control of the island. Swimming down in the caves, Da Feng shows them what he and his tribe would do if they were taken over as such slaves. He shows Eric and Troy something that makes Troy widen his eyes. Eric gasps, "You wouldn't..!