Samurai #14 Aircel, 1986, b&w.
1 Samurai #14 cover Art: Dale Keown

The corner of Bank and Somerset in Ottawa: Homer and Arch continue their search and are given plates of the crooksóóthrown out of a car to them. Homer thinks it was Kimura driving. Prof. Stringfellow traces the plate (A2B.RICH) to Roger Sinclair at 345 Sparks Street. Sinclair sells Yue to a Mr. Smith who wants to use him to feel like he is Indiana Jones. Toshiro beats big Hondo and the other two men who won't stay down, so he beats them some more. Archie and Homer break into Smith's place and photograph him in his underwear with Yue tied up (and Smith was asking "Short Round" for his whip!). Toshiro beats the men Sinclair has upstairs and cuts one of their heads off. One of the henchmen was reading Playpen. Toshiro uses another as a shield to enter the office of Sinclair who has an auto rifle trained on him along with the killer and a big henchman. Sinclair feels he wants to make Toshiro as comfortable as possible.
  Backup story: "Blizzard part 2"
BLOWOUT by Rob TB Clark: conclusion to BLIZZARD: Maduc has Hotachi put in a cell far below. Two days pass. Marduc arrives to take his blood for a new army of clones. He shoots a dart into Hotachi's neck and Hotachi passes out. He escapes the medic lab by hiding on the ceiling. He makes a doctor shoot a clone in the eye with the dart from a dartgun and breaks one's arm. He finds a battle walker and blows up the base, and is left in the snow but it appears the device he stole is intact.
Toshiro feeds enough clues to Homer and Archie that they are able to rescue Yué at the last moment. Despite the mass of sword-slashed corpses laying about they still don't realize that Toshiro is alive. Meanwhile, he has fought his way into the presence of the head of the white slave ring.

Art all by Dale Keown.