Samurai #5 Aircel, 1986, b&w.
1 Samurai #5 cover KAMAKAZI
Tokyo: Peter, a henchman reports to Kamakazi about Toshiro: Toshiro has been a spy, an assassin, a mercenary, and now he fights for his own cause and is in Tokyo. Kamakazi wants his sword. Peter meets Toshiro in a Suzuki Yokugi restaurant. A man there says, "Oh no, not again." Peter sees Lee and says, "My, what a nice boy." Paul, John Stringfellow, and George discuss the sightings of the battlesuits and that some of them are trying to create the mentally and physically superior being. John sticks up for Black but Paul berates her. Simon stops a totally white haired (or blond) Hotachi and a smaller teen named Quan. In the cafeteria, Hotachi bangs Max (a freckle faced teen) onto the table when Max blames Hotachi for the suit mess up. Hotachi suspects sabotage. A girl named June visits Hotachi and tells him she is sorry for being skeptical of this. Toshiro tells Lee to go back to the hotel. Toshiro invades Kamakazi's building. She has Mad Jock and Cholly check out section 8. A hairy wolfólike teen brings Kamakazi her sword. Prof. Stringfellow is said to be a Naganata Administrator. He tells Simon that clones have a self esteem problem in finding their own personality and sometimes have an identity crisis. Secretly, the father believes in the sabotage story but doesn't tell Simon this. Lee's thoughts include: how stupid Toshiro is at fighting injustice and that Toshiro is a straight guy; that he ran away from boarding school and someone there paid the tuition. He has no parents that he knows of. A big guy saves Lee from Peter and his associates who want Lee to make movies and be part of the white slave ring. Mad Jock and Cholly are from England. One uses stars on Toshiro but he blocks them with the sword but one nicks him. The two get the sword and go. Someone plays chess, planning about the swords. Velvet thinks about Toshiro. A man on a plane en route to Japan is a 1000 miles away and gets a weird phone call.
  And a Nice back cover of Simon :
Issue 5 introduces Kamakazi, a sexy dominating woman who seems to be some sort of major crime figure. She's very good-looking and likes to flaunt her body before her underlings. She also seems to be very smart--she realizes that Toshiro wants to get her sword, while at the same time she is trying to get his sword. She sends her flunky Peter to lure Toshiro into a trap. Peter lures Toshiro into the sewers where he is ambushed by two tough hoodlums drawn by Pat McEown. To everyone's great surprise these toughs manage to knock Toshiro unconscious and take his sword! Meanwhile, Peter has prepared another--and worse--surprise for Lee, who was with Toshiro. As Lee is walking back to the hotel Peter meets him and offers an easy job where he can make lots and lots of money--in fact Lee could be a movie star! When Lee contemptuously refuses, Peter's henchmen move in and push Lee down on the ground in a back ally, where he is told that he is going to have to join their "white slave" ring--in the capacity of "slave"! Things are looking very bad, but at that precise moment a giant tough guy comes up, beats up all the white slavers and then leaves. Not very realistic, never explained, but it gets Lee and Barry out of a jam!

The Naganata part of the story line seems to be heating up--the artwork gets better and seems to be inked by Barry. It seems that there has been sabotage, possibly there is a traitor within the Naganata itself! Simon Stringfellow and his father Professor Stringfellow are aboard the Naganata.

The art in issue 5 is good, though Barry has done only the scenes involving Toshiro or Lee, and inking on the Naganata scenes. The rest of the art is by McEown, including all drawings of Kamakazi. Cover by McEown. Rear cover pin-up of Simon Stringfellow by Barry Blair. The effective scene in which Lee is almost "recruited" for white slavery appears to be the work of Guang Yap.