Kimura #2 Night Wynd, 1991, b&w.
1 Kimura # 2 cover Two days later: Luwanda Trott is reporting the news of last issue. Mayor David Dinkins has declared martial law. South of Canal Street is where the area was blasted. The National Guard is called in. Street gangs such as Ghost Shadows, Flying Dragons, Canal Street Boys, Vietnamese Born to Kill are in conflict with the Guard. A gang of boys, with Li and Kimm, want to throw bricks on the Guards' heads. Angel and Xiao have shown up for dance class, which is every Tuesday and Thursday. Gen is going broke due to the curfew, Homer is in hospital and the boys are taking care of themselves. Gen invites them to stay with her until Homer gets back. Simon, Alex, and Lee arrive, in their TEAM NIPPON uniforms (although Alex is in a full black outfit only, not the really cool one from the series TEAM NIPPON). Gen mentions they haven't done all that TEAM NIPPON stuff for almost a year. Hotachi visits Homer in the hospital. Three men arrive, the "true government" of Chinatown. They know about Hotachi's father Hidiochi who fought with the Kumintong against Communist forces along with remnants of the AVG. They also knew Hotachi's mother was Hawaiian. The old man, Steele, controls the robotic body from his ownóóhe wants to be free of the old body. Soldiers of some kind shoot to kill. They fire at Oriental gang boys. One of those was Kimmi. Four long haired whites with bats get them. Heads, cut off from their bodies, are on a sign that says LOOTERS WILL BE KILLED. Two guards, Earl and racist Elvis, won't let Hotachi pass the area. Hotachi slices right down into one and shoots the other. The two Oriental kids, Kimmi (and Li?) are tied to a wall, the white punks ready to sacrifice them to the great robo! One of the punks wears only a vest on his upper body, no shirt beneath. Hotachi orders them to release the kids. They shoot at him, but he shoots one in the face and fires at others. Out of ammo, he slices off the top part of one's head and slashes another. Hotachi starts to let the kids down, when they hear rumbling. The robot suit arrives, recognizes Hotachi and attacks him. It knocks him down and apparently out. It moves to squash him like a bug.