Elfquest: Blood of Ten Chiefs #15 (cover art)
Warp, Feb/Mar 1995, colour.
1 EQ 1-6 cover Cover art by Barry Blair.
Mantricker couldn't get the humans to leave the area, considering leaving Holt Goodtree, and tried to settle the human problem without war, with peace. There were times when Mantricker told Skywise that he wished humans would never grow older and remain innocent and trusting as the as cubs. Skywise tells this story. Mantricker lured a baby human, Sohan, to him. He leaves a trail they can follow. Mantricker tries to make the boy understand he means him no harm and that what he does is for the good of both tribes. Marn, his father, comes with hunters. Mantricker holds a knife to Sohan's neck and the boy cries. Mantricker tells them to leave the forest. Mantricker seems to have fangs. He cuts some of the boy's shoulder skin off. One of the spears thrown wildly hits Mantricker who tells Bloodsinger, a wolf, he dodged when he should have ducked. The spear is in his back. The wolf pulls it out and takes him home. Mantricker makes Bearclaw, his son, chief and tells him to learn from his mistakes.