New Blood #3 Elfquest: New Blood #3
Warp, Dec 1992, colour.
1 New Blood #3 cover Eric has his arm around Suntop. Suntop feels he must follow it, that he is the only one who understands about this evil. Eric calls to him, "Come back. Please're my; only friend." Suntop looks up and wishes they could understand each other. NOTE: Eric looks older in some frames, younger in others. Due to the light in the corridor, his hair looks blue. Eric shouts and runs after Suntop, "I can't let you go alone. There's nothing up there for me. If I must die at least it will be with you." Suntop tells Eric his name. Eric asks, "Is that your name or does it mean danger?" Suntop sighs, "Let's go, human." Hue brings Prince Brian some hot drink. Hue is beginning to believe that page Eric's stories. The orange haired boy rushes in, the Prince is in his night shirt (which has a slit up the side) and nothing more. He warns about the monster but Hue pulls his sword, telling him to control himself. The boy, his hair brownish in this light, tells them the thing took Timmy away. Chamberlain Aaron arrives and tells them the monster is in the boy's dreams only. Brian wishes the boy to speak. Hue leaves to find out what is going on. Aaron grabs up both boys under each arm. Aaron tells the page to guard the prince. He goes to notify the royal wizard. Eric and Suntop descend the steps to a place where they don't think anyone has been in a long time. Eric smells a cheese and old milk stink. Suntop thinks Eric can feel magic when it is this strong, "Woah...there it is again, the presence!" Suntop is sure it is Winnowill. Her face looms like a gray cloud. Eric thinks he hears someone coming, "We're going to die!" Hue arrives and wonders about the little one's ears but chooses to hunt the monster with them. He has a torch. Aaron goes to his accomplice, Tymmon, the wizard, who dreams of his enchanted mistress. Together with her, Tymmon made this creature. The ghost was to convince Brian to trust Aaron. Tymmon bets the creature has eaten the page boy Timmy. Eric, Hue, and Suntop find the ruins of an ancient keep, the castle having been built on top of it. Suntop warns him the whole place reeks of wild magic but Hue wonders what kind of talk it is. Eric says, "He's, uh, not from around here." Hue says, "Well at least he sounds worried so he can't be stupid." Eric says, "Oh, I don't know. We are all down here in the dark." Hue says, "Shut up!" They find caves and tunnels that must go outside which is how the creature got out into the forest pond. Someone must have dipped into this pool of old magic. The trio find a green glowing pool of what Eric thought was water but Hue tells him it is not water and moves. From behind and seemingly appearing from nowhere, Chamberlain attacks Hue but Hue stabs him through his heart. Tymmon is there also, threatening to kill Hue. Winnowill is using the magic through Tymmon. Tymmon gets the strange feeling Suntop knows what is going on. Tymmon makes Aaron get up from thegreen glop to attack. Eric screams and so does Suntop. Hue says, "Blast it, Eric, stop screaming!" Hue kills Aaron over and over again, stabbing him. Suntop jumps across the cliff side to where Tymmon is standing on top. Suntop confronts him, "Enough, human, you're being used." Tymmon says, "Ah, the tiny one." He tries to transform Suntop before he will kill him. Suntop feels his magic working. Tymmon's Mistress takes the power from the evil wizard, his teeth falling out, his face shriveling. Hue's next cut kills Aaron again. Aaron falls into the glop again, screaming. As he does, he grabs hold of Tymmon's ankle and pulls him in. The liquid goes solid and the magic is locked up at last. Hue tells Eric he is not sure he or the page boy had anything to do with it, but it is over. Hue tells him to get his friend out of this evil place, he will be along shortly. Suntop puts a hand on Eric's back as they go up the steps. Suntop tells Eric that Winnowill won't be back. She likes to torment thingsññhe is not sure if she meant to hurt the people in the castle or just the wizard. Eric (now with brown eyes) says, "I know you have to go home now and I probably won't see you again. Thanks for being my friend." Suntop says, "I think you're saying good bye but I'm not sure. There's one last thing I can try...maybe it will work." He makes a light go between them. A word passes between them, "Friends." Eric stands by a tree as Suntop runs off into the woods. The sun is coming up and birds sing. Small feather light footsteps cause no more than a whisper on the forest trail as the young wolfrider known as Suntop begins his way home.