New Blood #23 Elfquest: New Blood #23
Warp, Nov 1994, colour.
1 New Blood #23 cover ONE LIFE, ONE LIFE: Jethel and Suntop watch from the trees as a storm approaches. Pei Lar comes to them, calling them little dung rats. Jethel says, "Uh oh." Dodia and Kimo come quietly, accidentally scaring Pei Lar. Dart had something to do first before he will lead them. Kimo tells her it is their way and not to try to change it. She won't wait nor make her warriors wait. Jethel hss to Suntop, "Hss! Suntop! Is your head still lost?" Suntop turns, "Oh...just..." Sun feels they are being dragged into something that they won't get out of for a long time. Dart is with GeóO, who is tied up, in a canoe as it rains. Sun sends to Dart and tells him what Pei Lar is up to. GeóO says, "Ohhh, stone slime, now it's starting to rain!" They pass a frog. Dart splashes GeóO who yelled at him, "I hate you!!" GeóO stops his tantrum and wonders where Dart is taking him, "Are you going to kill me?" He begins his yelling again. Aramak visits Door, who yells at him after a bit, "You have given me nothing!!" This scares a slave boy so that he drops some fruit. The slave boy cries, " slipped!" Tears come out of the boy's eyes. Green slime grabs the kneeling boy's arms from behind and a burning point of green slime comes to the boy's chest, mid center. The boy pants. Door kicks Aramak and his large white haired guard out. It is Door who will rule, Door has told them. Willowsnap make a web go over the lock on the door of Windkin and Windkin, tongue between his teeth, pulls it up. Windkin lets out Ahn Lai from his cell door despite Willowsnap's protests. Ahn Lai can show them the way out. Windkin has to catch web from Willowsnap's mouth, "Uh, it's all right this time, Willowsnap. I'll watch out for you." He closes his left eye, winking at Willowsnap. Windkin will trust the cub just so far. The guards on the tower are in rain. One of them said some things to Aramak's woman and that is why he is not in bed right now. The guards wake up the big guard and Aramak. The outcasts and unbelievers are here. A boy with red dredlocks and a skimpy jeweló chainedóheld purple loin cloth, showing lots of skin, is told to call the soldiers by the Attained Father Aramak. Aramak tells hissoldiers that the Sky Spirit has spoken to him and they should put down the unbelievers. As lightning kraaks, Dart pushes GeóO into a tomb. The prince's people never come here. Dart shows him his friend...the dead body of Geoki whose spirit lives. "I met him very long ago. At a place called Blue Mountain. We came to know each other...there was evil on the wind. He risked all for me...and we faced death...together. Only the power of the greatest healer could bring us back. And it cost her much. His people, the HoanóG'TayóSho came here to this new land, many turns ago. They brought Dooróóyour Sky Spiritóówith them." Dart has on brown boots with high front tips and a loin cloth, no shirt. "Geoki lived to see this place. I am glad he did." GeóO tells him as long as his people have memory, their attained fathers named their sons after Geoóki but they never told why. Dart cuts his bonds off, "I wanted you to know. This place is special to me. Now it seems I have another war to fight." The human boy asks Dart to wait for him. Windkin, Willowsnap, and Ahn Lai see Aramak in a frenzy on the tower, calling for the warriors to bring the heads of the unbelievers on their spears. Windkin says, "The fire ants next is really stirred up now." Ahn Lai says, "We're doomed!" He tells Windkin he sees other Sky Spirits with them. Ahn Lai asks him if he can fly them both away but Windkin isn't sure he can. Chot and Suntop watch humans readying to attack, yelling and running. Chot thinks they could use lessons from the Go Backs. Suntop wonders why they just don't attack. Chot tells him, "We all fight funny to someone else's eyes, but losing is never fun, cub...just keep the arrows coming when I call." Door comes out to Aramak. One bearded warrior looks up, "He is beautiful!" Pei Lar says, "It's the evil one!" Windkin says, "Door!" Door gives a wild speech, "I am the Door through which you all live! Now I say, down with Aramak and all his kind. They no longer speak for me." Door fires a bolt at Aramak and Aramak falls over the wall but is still alive. The rebel warriors rush him, calling him a tyrant's parrot. Dodia stops them, telling them they do not know how powerful Door is. Other humans are over Aramak, beating him. The guard comes running to help him and starts beating the "fleas" off him. A few are young ones with long ponytails or short red hair. Door jumps to another level, telling him, "Die, little crawling worm." The guard, a red haired younger fighter with no shirt on, and another get spikes through them. The guard and the red head get spikes into their backs and the back of their bodies. Another in a purple loin cloth gets spikes into his upper stomach and lower chest. Kimo yells, "Door!" A human (Aramak?) in the bushes cries tears as Door hears Kimo, "A true spirit. How intriguing. Worship me!" Kimo feels Door is alert as any of them and they cannot fight a rock shaper. Dodia thinks Door is worse than any tale Dart told. They retreat, leaving Door to gloat. Windkin is happy as they melt into the green, "Good, they'll live." Ahn Lai once more asks Windkin to carry him away. Windkin says, "You have too much faith in spirits, bu. I...I can not take the extra weight. I..." Ahn Lai grabs him by the shoulders, panicky, "No!! You must! You must take me away!" Windkin says, "Let go!!" Human warriors come running to them, telling them to hold in the name of the Sky Spirit Door!