New Blood #27 Elfquest: New Blood #27
Warp, Apr 1995, colour.
1 New Blood #27 cover DOORWAR: A brown eyed slave boy with Dreadlocks of orangeñyellow, a collar with red circle, a brown tie belt around his bare waist, grayñblue wrist bands, and a blue thong sits at Door's throne with the girl who once served Aramak. There are two bald slave boys fanning them. The girl has belly button jewel. A muscular red haired, dreadlocked guard comes in with a twisted elegant spear. The great eyed warrior tells him his brother tracks as the jungle cat tracks. Door wants the glider Windkin back. Door tells them they all live as long as it pleases him. Dart leads his group but the forest is getting thicker. Dart wonders along with Kimo how the world became so huge. Dart is called Soul Brother by Kimo. Suntop tells Shenshen he is not a child. Suntop says, "Oh puckernuts!" He apologizes to her, these days no one listens to him or believes him. Jethel explain, sucking on a reed, "Suntop still thinks he can cure rotten old Door." Suntop sends, "Not so loud, big mouth! I don't want Windkin or that strange human boy to hear!" Ahn Lai has on a striped white and black loin cloth. Jethel calms him. Windkin is back from scouting behind, making sure no one was following them. Suntop keeps thinking he is sensing something but it turns out to be some little bug or something...there is lots of life around. It will take time to get it all sorted out in their heads. A figure is watching them from the bushes, a figure with pointed ears. Door flies across the night sky. He sees one of his bald slave boys sleeping, his head on the other's bare leg, draped between the boy's legs. The other one is asleep. Both have belly button jewels, brown belts, and blue thongs. Door moves to see the other slave boy with the dreadlocks, asleep, curled on the floor with a half eaten apple in his hand, another core nearby. Door takes off his cape and covers the boy's bare back with it. Door tells Aramak's woman to get out of his room. Morning: Chot is hungry (even though we saw him drooling as he ate before). Kimo is tired: they have walked all night. The green forest is all that is overhead. With his loin cloth slipping far down the back of his butt, Ahn Lai turns, asking, "Hey! What is it, cub?" Willowsnap and Jethel feel something. Windkin is up above the trees. Jethel asks Ahn Lai if he is scared as the two of them hear something behind the group. Windkin sends answers to Door's questions and calls, telling him, he, Windkin, is not a glider. Door tells him he is. Door tells him they are the last of their kind. Tyldak is Windkin's father and Door uses his name to get Windkin to listen. Windkin sends, "Stay out of my head! I don't want any of your help!" Is he talking to Suntop who asked if he was all right or to Door? Ahn Lai watches as Jethel's butt sticks out as he crawls through bushes. Jethel pokes the followerññGeñOñKa, the attained son (in two wrap clothñties around his shoulders to under his arms,a more horizontal one around his upper ribs and back, wrist wraps, and tied up loin cloth, all white, and square or triangular things in his ears). PeiñLar hated Ge's father and him as well, he thinks. Her followers are all low bred scum, he tells them, "They treated me...bad." He asks his only friend, Dart, if he can stay. Chot eats a banana, "Urrp. Just what we need, another cub to slow us down. I say we kill him!" Kimo and Chot get into a fight. Chot yells that Zey was a fool, Kahvi only wanted her stupid piece of palace rock and Yun is mooning over leaving her stupid pool. Yun yells at him to not drag her into this. Kimo asks about Dart and Chot says, "What makes him so different?!" Kimo jumps him and they fight, Chot flipping him, then using the banana as a knife to much against Kimo's body. They end up in the water and fall over a waterfall. Yun thinks the fight is embarrassing. She is going to stop it but Dart tells her, "No! This has been festering a while. Let them go for now...drain the poison." Dart says, "Let them get it out of their guts." Door sends to Windkin, telling him the others are savages compared to the two of them. Yun yells, "Get him good, Kimo!" Jethel yells, "Bite him, Chot!" Chot and Kimo get up and Dart sends to them both at the bottom of the waterfall, Kimo's hair down and long now. Chot wonders what that buzzing in his head is. The pair have found a gigantic old tree which can be made into a new holtññDart decides it can be the Father Tree. Chot says, "Hey, little desert wolf. Some fight, eh? Felt good, didn't it!" He knocks his fist on Kimo's shoulder. Kimo says, "Ow!" A black human in a rowboat tells Kimo and Chot he learned from a guide the language of the elves but the guide died in a storm. They need to fix their ship, masts and a fruit basket. The black man is Captain Cam Triompe from Redmist Ocean. Chot frowns as Kimo admits to being forest spirits, "Fools. Surrounded by fools!" A little blond human boy asks, "Will they suck out our eyes like you said, captain?!" The boy is Kamut. Cam made up stories to pass the time. Cam seeks a way around the land mass to trade with the Big Djun. He came from Hearthstone. The red dreadlocked guard (or his brother) leads three other humans, one bald, two in head cloths, out of the forest, "Now brothers, kill! Kill them all in the name of Door!"