New Blood #28 Elfquest: New Blood #28
Warp, May 1995, colour.
1 New Blood #28 cover TRIOMPHE AND DEFEAT: Kimo sends to Dart that he is coming. Kimo tells Chot the quickest way up is to climb the vines. Dart is fighting the red dreadlocked warrior who uses a spear against him. Dart is being backed to the waterfall. Chot says, "If Door's pets have hurt the cubs, I'll gut them all myself!" As Shenshen protectively juts her arms out to Suntop and Jethel, Dart kicks the warrior's face but the big human threatens to use his little bird bones as playing sticks, he calls him a child. Dart slices across the man's lower chest. Jethel says, "Claw him again, Dart! Slice him up!" Ahn Lai and Windkin are not threatened by them. Windkin faces the bald one who has Ge by the arm and shoulder, "Here, Child Killer! Face me if you dare!" The bald one calls Windkin the DoorñSon. Windkin flies over him as he is about to club the whelp of that pig Aramak over the head. Windkin clubs him over his bald head, "No! I won't let you! You've done enough!" Ge tanks the sky spirit. Kimo comes rushing in and the sliced warrior grabs Kimo around the neck and head. He is flipped into Dart. The warrior runs off and jumps down a hill, "When I come back you will all die!" Kimo lies belly down over Dart's backññhis butt to be more precise, "Youññall right?" Dart leans his head on his hand, "Dung for brains!! You could have been killed! Then where would I be?" Cam tells his little monkeyññthe human boy Kamut the elves are friendly, mostly, he thinks. Ge tells Cam that the forevergreen is the world, there is nothing else. He tells them the wood is big but the oceans are bigger and there are many more lands for seeing. Cam was travelling to Junsland when the storm hit him. He has his head on Kamut's head and his other hand around Ge's shoulder. Cam wants a big sized tree to replace his mast with. Dart tells him this new tree is there's. Cam laughs, "Just like a bunch of milk nuts." It is too big for his ship anyway. He laughs and shows them his ship. Jethel points out to the water, "Look Suntop! They've got a real big water leaf!" Ge thinks it is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Cam tells him she is at that, calling him a little pip. Dart thinks, "Such a thing can hold many..." Yun thinks, "Ha! Not only the land but the great waters are open to us..." Cam will go get the others to enjoy their feast. He flings his boy back into the rowboat where his rower man waits. Shenshen calls the boys cubs and needs their help in preparing food. To imitate Cam, Kimo drapes his hair over his upper lip. Dart laughs, "You should go rolling in the water more often. You'll make a good human..." Windkin pushes Ahn Lai's chest and tells him not to let the others come too close to him. Windkin floats and flies to Door. Door tells him his friends are not friends at all...they are beneath him, "Isn't that amusing...truly beneath you delicious." Door shoves a purple fruit into one of the bald slave boy's mouths as he wants to talk to Windkin more. Kamut tells Cam that "this one scares me" of Chot as Chot (hair band in hair as always) dancesand sings a song as the fire keeps them warm. Chot dances and sings more, "Boom Shagga Wagga Boom Shaga Walla Boom!!" When he finishes someone says quietly, "Praise the waters, he's done!" The elves recount their deeds in songs and dance. Dart tells Cam there are many of them...different customs but "we are all the same." Jethel says, "The Go Backs love to dance! Yun is a Go Back!" Yun yells out, mad, "Wha?" Jethel does a walk like an Egyptian dance, "Dance Yun Dance! Show us your dance!" Yun crawls down from the crowd, "I'll kill you!" Cam tells Dart they are his allies and friends now. Dart tells him that is something they need. GeñOñ'ka wants to go with the human captain. Dart touches his chest and shoulder asking him if he is sure, this is not a light thing he decides. After he explains, Dart holds his shoulder, "GeñO'Ka, you are always welcome here." He knows but tells Dart that he does not fit in here. Cam tells him that if the boy plans to follow his heart, he has room, and can use a new guide. What? What kind of guide will Ge make when he doesn't know about the rest of the world? Cam gets in his boat, "The future awaits, boy. But not for long! What do you say?" Ge says, "Dart..." Dart says, "I it!" Kimo has his hand on Dart's shoulder now. Ge whoooops as Cam lifts him into his rowboat. A prose about his leavingññwhat he leaves is cherished and will grow, what he takes will be sorely missed. Chot yawns, he could sleep for 8/8ths of 8/8ths, "That's the Go Back way. Good food, good companions, music and dance to get the blood pounding...I wonder why no one else ever joins in. I...Hey! Why is my blanket all wet?" There is a drip drip dripping on his head. "That better not be what I think it is or you two die NOW!" Jethel and Suntop are on a tree branch above them. Jethel says, "Yun threw me in the water." Shenshen tells Yun she is glad she joined her at the water away from that noisy Chot. Yun tells her she is used to Chot's ways. Yun likes to watch the water, it helps her in some strange way. Dodia never talks anymore. Dart tells Kimo he is glad this day is over. Kimo sits with him on a tree branch division, "You did well, Dart. I am proud of you." Dart thanks him but something GeñO'Ka said has him thinking. Dart thinks about Door and what lies ahead and that Door will not rest until he has their blood. Kimo laughs and tells him to stop seeing the gloom in everything...they made new friends and found a new holt. Kimo is smiling because Windkin is probably making a nest above for himself and that his human cub does not much like heights. Dart says, "Well, then, he certainly picked a fine friend in the Sky Spirit." The two of them laugh. They think Windkin will take good care of him. Ahn Lai is in preserver web on a high up branch. Willowsnap flies with Windkin. On Cam's ship, Ge has a cape of blue, yellow sleeves, and brown tunic. Cam asks if he is homesick (Cam has a pony tail). Ge tells him he cannot miss what he does not have. He feels older suddenly. He will never see this land again, he thinks and will only have his memories for the rest of his life. In the memory Ge will see the faces of the ones he loved, "Goodbye Dart..."