New Blood #14 Elfquest: New Blood #14
Warp, Feb 1994, colour.
1 New Blood #14 cover FOREVERGREEN PART 2óA hawk comes to Windkin. Kimo makes fun of Dart's preaching about how humans are slower when Dart makes him a human, giving an example of how to attack one, "Alright're a human!" Kimo says, "Huh? I am?" Dart attacks him. Suntop comes out of his home, stretches and yawns, wearing a blue sleeved top, open to reveal bare stomach and chest, and blue tights. Leaning against a tree, Chot calls Suntop, who says, "Uh oh!" Suntop tells Chot to quit pestering him but Chot wants to give him a few lessons in fighting, he has been watching Dart closely. Suntop squeezes Chot's tongue when he sticks his tongue out. Savah makes Suntop imagine the water is the world they live in and the bead is him sending. Others who lack his power will be able to send through him, in time. No elf on this world of two moons will ever feel alone. He will be the channel of perfect communion. Suntop says, "You mean I won't have to worry about Winnowi..." he receives a strange camouflaged face in the forest and Savah senses it, too. Rayek will have to convince the Wolfriders and Suntop's father that the Big Palace can take them there (see HIDDEN YEARS 9 and a half). Someone cries about the Great Palace shattered (HIDDEN YEARS 10). Days later: other elves say they saw what Suntop did when he did, shared with them from Suntop. Windkin tells them the green area is the Forevergreen and he has been there. It was at a time when he was not in Sleep. Willowsnap thinks Flynightthing Windkin has a good go there. Windkin lives with them but apart from them...for a long time, Savah says. With each turn of the seasons, his spirit self drifts higher into the clouds. Kimo, in blue top with sleeves and chest bare, tunic, tights, and boots with jeweled necklace and belt crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue, "Windkin has clouds in his head, I think!" Dart smiles but tells tanned Kimo to ease up. Windkin flies by them, as they just duck in time. He returns with wings of thing sticks and Willowsnap's pretty pretty wrapstuff. Savah tells him invention makes the heart happy. Dart gives Windkin three eights and then they will come looking for Windkin, who flies toward the Forevergreen. Windkin sends to Suntop: a human travel line is headed toward Sorrow's End. More than half naked boys try to shoot arrows at him at the order of an older male. One boy wears a blue headband, another a yellow one, both matching their loin cloths held up by brown belt and thin brown material. With them is a troll like green thing. Days pass: night: Chot is annoyed with the way Suntop marks time. Yun tells him not to start. Chot tries to hit Suntop, thinking Suntop is driving him crazy but Suntop does something and twangs Chot's nose. Suntop thinks Chot is funny and runs off. Yun says, "He's smaller, quicker, and smarter! Here eat!" Using her knife, she gives him a green apple. Suntop, panting and running, runs right into sturdy Dart, "Ooopf!" Dart tells him to be ready for whatever the bear he is testing may do. It was quietuntil Suntop came along, Dart playfully nudges Sun's head and gets him in a headlock. The two of them see a glow. Windkin flies with kindred spirits...colorful birds and arrives at the Forevergreen and water with Willowsnap. He flies into a hole in the top, a manmade hole it would seem. He sees a stone symbol of a four fingered giant hand on top a doubled rectangular edifice (three fingers and a thumb). A woman on the edifice, cuts off the pinkie finger of a human, another has joined the other world. They spot Windkin and Willowsnap on top the tower but as they fly, Windkin thinks they are too high for the arrows. Human boys with painted faces smile as one shoots a blow dart at Windkin, getting him. He falls out of the sky to the edifice platform and is out. A human says, "The Sky