New Blood #19 Elfquest: New Blood #19
Warp, Jul 1994, colour.
1 New Blood #19 cover FOREVERGREEN PART 7óGreen eyed Jethel finds he can understand the white haired, green eyed leader of the humans who have captured them. Her name is PeióLar and she tells her people the first spirit drove the old ways from the people that Aramak and his followers hold in false beliefs. The bare male children (except for loin cloths, one with a red pointed hat or head band), the white haired warrior men (one with a nose ring, another with blue crisscrossed cloth about his shoulders and a ribbon around his ribs), and women hail PeióLar. The captives are put into a small hut. Dart's shirt is totally gone, Kimo's is ripped and open down the middle, and Yun wants to attack. Dart (who has had a green head band on) blames himself for this, his mind won't work. Kimo calls him Brother and tells him he didn't bring any of them, they followed him. They believe in him, Kimo goes on, and some of us, "Love you." Dart's eyes look reddishóorange now as he thinks about rushing in. Hoan G'tay Sho city: Windkin and one of the boy slaves (the boy human with a red and black symbol around his neck) are taken by the giant humanófake elf guard to see Aramak. They wear long thongs, Windkin's purple and held by rings on his hips and jeweled chains. The angry guard makes the boy wait outside. Windkin tells him, "Don't worry. It will be all right." Aramak calls him, "Wind Kin." Windkin cannot understand how Aramak's people want to be like the elves. Aramak tells him they have not kept Door. It hurts for humans to be around the elvesóóthey live longer, move faster. All he wants, is to be like him. "You and your kind are so beautiful." Windkin touches his shoulder, "Aramak..." Aramak screams, not wanting his pity. He opens the window and tells him to go, to get out to freedom. Windkin waits and looks back at the back of Aramak, who has a long double thick pony tail tied with green rope. Windkin will stay to try to restore Aramak's people to what they once were without the elf kind. A monkey faced boy (well, not really but a goofy looking human, this is supposedly Yahan but looks nothing like him as he appeared in issue 18) on the burning waste town, in loin cloth, head band, jeweled necklace brings Master Thuggop food. The Elders are considering Thuggop's plan. The troll thinks there is a way through the mountains and Bailon has found it but is too jealous to admit it. Thuggop bothers the servant boy (who has reddishóbrown hair). Humans play drums at night while Jethel cries real and lots of tears, "Waaah!" Chot tells him to shut up, he's only making it worse. PeióLar comes in, "It is time, spirits." Jethel and Chot try to reason with her, telling her the truth. Suntop's shirt is off and Shenshen tells him she is so sorry. He tells her it is not her fault. He wonders to Savah if only he could... Jethel's shirt is off also. The other three sneak up in the water of the green. Dodia is to be cast in first, she struggles. They try to cast her into the flame, her shirt open. A blond human woman points, "Look! Look...from the water!!" Dart rushes in, "Those are our friends you are trying to burn!" A giant human with white hair (named Karcha) and purpleóblue loin cloth rushes him, "We fear you no longer, spirit!" Dart fights him and knees him, "Well maybe you should! Now get out of my way! I want your chief!" He elbows him and knocks him out of the way. Kimo has no shirt on. Dart tells them they are going to leave with their friends or die with them. Yun adds many of them will die first. PeióLar tells her warriors to hold. Pei Lar, impressed with how Dart felled Karcha faster than thought possible, curses Aramak for sending more warriors. Dart says, "How many times must we say it? We are not spirits. And we serve no one!" Dart tells her that Aramak is holding the one they seek if he is a painted faced monster. PeióLar admits she may have been wrong. They share the same enemy. Dart tells her, "We are not spirits. We live and breathe and bleed like you. We only look different." As the boys look at the fire, wide eyed, PeióLar tells Dart she thinks she likes him. She will talk and listen. Dart tells her she is wise chief then. She claims they may have old Aramak now.