Elfquest: Metamorphosis #1
Warp Graphics, Apr 1996, b&w.
1 Fire-Eye #0 first page Includes Barry Blair's "Fire-Eye #0"
The port town of Passage: Cap'N Cam and his little pal, a boy named Kibo, are thrown off a ship. Kibo filched the Impresat's candlesticks. Cam greets Lord Ahnn Li, Ahn Lai, now older and bearded and with more clothes, wearing a knife, jacket, and long pants. A female named Ahnessah has heard of Cam's troubles through sources. Another boy with the girl is the ConsortóSon. Jethel, called Fire Eye by Willowsnap, tells the Preserver he just can't leave the past alone, "AhnnóLi was my friend...but though I loved the five fingered cub, the grown wolf is a stranger to me. He found a town and built himself a city and a rule to go with it. It's as if he's trying to become Door." Jethel watches the city, thinking Ahnn Li would not hurt the Forevergreen as Door did. Beside, Fire Eye is not the forest's protector. A chamber boy with long hair throws little boy Drudge over a bridge since only chamber boys are supposed to carry Ahnessah's wine. She rang for it and no one could find the long haired boy. Fire Eye (Jethel) appears with Willowsnap and kicks at the boy, who runs off. Fire Eye jumps into the water and pulls the boy that was drowning, who cannot swim, up and out. Fire Eye tells the boy to stay away from the castle...it doesn't appear to be a healthy place. The boy says, "I...I don't have anywhere to go." Fire Eye put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Welllll...all right. You seem harmless enough and we both could use a warm fire and some drying off. Come with me......for now." Willowsnap sticks his tongue out and smiles, "OOOOOOO!!" THE BEGINNING.