Fire-Eye #11 Elfquest vol. 2 #11
Warp, Apr 1997, b&w
1 Fire-Eye #11 cover Includes "Fire-Eye #11"
A butterfly is on Kibo's sleeve and he looks alarmed. Koni has a bow and arrow pointed at Cam and Kibo as they arrive via Chot who tells them that his chief can be anywhere he chooses anytime. Cam's journal Volume 5 tells of this. Sylvie helps Arro down from the tree they were in (he rants, "Aw, c'mon, SylvieóóI can do it myself!!" Sylvie pokes a finger at Chot, "Oh Chot, stop acting like one of Jethel's old story trolls. You're much nicer than that." Chot walks off, "I'll be nearby if you need me. Maybe." Everyone snickers and laughs. Cam wonders if Jethel can talk to Ahnn Li before Ahnn Li loses his mind completely and destroys everything, telling him they were friends once. Jethel thinks it is a good way to find out what is happening and tells Cam to set it up, the he goes to find Chot. Cam and Kibo, the next morning, walk through Passage, passing a spear man in long jacket, men playing cards or something, and Gillie (who looks like a girl) is poking a boy who is in a hand and head block, berating him for having gotten caught. Gillie calls him a zug head and leaves to tell Pei Lar. The boy yelps for Gillie not to leave him. Jooka, Fetch Boy for Ahnn Li thinks a salesman has a lot of nerve asking so much for a piece of clothing...a rag he calls it. He sees Cam talking to Kibo about fear and healthy fear and how to trip fear up when it cripples you. Cam tells Kibo, "We're here. At the mouth of the Black Snake, as it were. Are you ready to be swallowed?" Kibo is with him. Jooka runs to tell Ahnessah, tossing the cloth back to the irate salesman who tries to catch it. Ahnn Li's servant boys stand looking nervously at him as he berates Cam, telling him he has grown some guts in the past few days and threatening to see them spilled all over the floor if he is here to waste his time. Cam makes a good talk about saving the forests but also having some progress. Ahnessah watches from a corner door with Jooka who says, "I told yuh I saw them, Lady Ahnessah, you can always count on me!" Jooka tells the two servant boys to get out of the room now as Ahnessah tells Ahnn Li that was well conducted. He asks her how long she was in the shadows listening. They kiss. Jooka thinks, "Yucch..." It may be peace but Ahnn Li thinks death is the most peaceful state. He pulls Jooka's left ear so hard that the boy cries streaming tears down his face. Ahnessah stops him and takes the boy away, telling Ahnn Li that the elves may have their uses. In her cellar, Pei Lar feeds the bare chested boy under the bed sheets some gross gruel. Gillietells Pei Lar what was seen. Pei Lar tells Gillie to take over for her in feeding the hapless boy whose mouth overruns with the junky tasting healing broth. Pei Lar tells Gillie that this strapping young man has to get back to strength to join them. Pei Lar calls Gillie a terrible girl. The next day Chot (who doesn't like this), Jethel, Cam, and Kibo leave Willowsnap, a dog, Koni, Arro (who looks much smaller than previously, much smaller than Koni now), and Sylvie and then proceed to town. The boy in the block psstts Pei Lar to wake up. He is on his knees, his head and hands in the block which has food stains on it that someone threw at it or at the boy or perhaps it is snow that was thrown. Pei Lar wakes up, complaining about the cobblestones. Pei Lar sees "the sailor and his little cur" and remembers the voice of another...Chot. Pei Lar tells the boy, "You! Wait here!" He looks wide eyed. Cam says, "Well my companions in uncertainty, we are here..." Cam knocks and Jooka answers. Jooka says, "Hey I don't take orders from you, you old windbag. Why should I hop on your say so?" Chot smiles, "Because if you don't, we'll suck your soul out through your eyes..." Jethel rolls his eyes. He and Chot have hoods on over their ears and head. Jooka eeeps and runs off. Chot is feeling hungry. Jethel giggles. Jooka says, "Cut it out! Please?" He takes them in. Four castle boys watch them, one telling the others not to hog up the view. One has curly hair, another has long lite hair, another OrientalóAmerasian like, and the last one has long straight blond hair. One frame looks messed up as Jethel seems to be telling Chot that Chot is his chief and that he isn't going to enjoy saying he told him so! ??? Huh? Chot also says hush to Jethel. This should be the other way around. Jooka brings them to the dining hall of Ahnn Li and announces them. Ahnessah thinks, "Soonóóeternal lifeóómine! He's so beautiful..." Jethel tells Ahnn Li to call him what he wants, "We know who we are inside. That's all that mattersóthat and what happens here today." Chot grrrs and slurps, Cam wants Ahnn Li to live up to his word
Cover art by Barry Blair and Colin Chan