Fire-Eye #22 Elfquest vol. 2 #22
Warp, Mar 1998, b&w
1 Fire-Eye #22 cover Includes "Fire-Eye #21"
Continued directly from last issue...Jethel scratches his head and makes a weird mouth twist, confused about the familiar feeling, a weird feeling. Chot asks, "Do you have any other kind lately?" Willowsnap sits ontop the boy's head. The trio are wading through the water until they come upon the hut on stilts. Jethel says, "Now this I remember though it can't be the same place as before." The boy says, "Up we go?" Jethel has to see what's insideññwhat's new, what's the same. The boy has his tongue out his mouth, on the landing to the outer walk of the hut and he bends out to look at Chot, his eyes seemingly out of place, "New? Play!" Willowsnap says, "Playplayplay!!" Chot gets up and holds the boy's shoulders, "Hey, calm down! You'll shake the place apart!" The boy says, "OoOooOOoo." Jethel moves the curtains out of the way. Jethel says, "Chot, you don't have any reason to believe me but I know this place." Chot looks at the painting with the boy who is wide eyed, "Got plenty of reason, Jethel. Seems this place knows you too...or someone does." The painting is seen by Jethel: it is of him with his left elbow leaning against Suntop's right shoulder, both of them younger and both in the skimpy outfits they wore in the Forevergreen a long time ago. Willowsnap says, "EEEEEE! Sunnytop Highthing!" Suntop has his arms folded and his short cut vest on. Jethel says, "It's me and Suntop. Now I am certain." Someone calls him, "Green spirit? Boil me in swamp water, I never thought to see spirits let alone youññtwice in my life!" Snork snerks. Jethel points, "Youññyou called yourself Wanderer. You swam awayññI thought the fire took you!" The man says, "Oh, that time put me through some changes, little Green Spirit. But I'm toughññit'll take more than that to finish me!" The boy looks up at him in awe, his mouth a perfect O. Jethel hugs him, "I'm glad...I'm glad something survived..." Snork ooks. Chot thinks: "Oh hairballs, what's all this supposed to mean?" READ ON, CHOT, READ ON...Editor The Nasty BAD editor thing or is the bad nasty editor thing?