Fire-Eye #2 Elfquest vol. 2 #1
Warp, Jun 1996, b&w
1 Fire-Eye #2 cover Includes "Fire-Eye #2"
Sylvie, the blond girl who was worried about Arro is in town when the people talk of demons that burned the forest and the danger they are in. An old woman with a half burned or crushed face, left eye bulging and a cane stops her. She also wears a cape with a hood. Arro is Sylvie's brother and she looks for him. A bat monkey with long ears sees her. A snake is near her. Ahnn slaps a curly haired black (?) boy who spilled a goblet of wine thanks to Ahnn's own tantrum. Ahnn tells the boy to get out of his chambers and his town. He runs out sobbing. Another boy, with light hair brings a tray with food, thinking, "No...not another one lost..." Ahnn tells the black (or mulatto) boy if he ever sees his face again he will adorn it on a pike at the town gate. Ahnessah thinks Ahnn is a pig. She doesn't tell him though. She tells him there are several reasons he took her in and she will go to bait her trap. As she goes outside the rooms, a servant boy in tights thinks, "Uhñoh," and another runs off to warn the servants about bad times today. Koni, the dog boy, plays with dogs and puppies (one dog is Streaker and another Surepaw). He talks funny with lots of "sor"s. Ahnessah goes to wide mouthed Koni and tells him that he is to find FireñEye, Jethel, win his confidence and come back to tell her where he is. Or she will kill his dogs. He wells up with tears and then cries as he hugs his dogs. He guesses he always wanted to go on a hunt someday. Singing Sylvie attracts the attention of Jethel and Willowsnap who are up in a tree. Arro arrives, "Whatcha do..." She spots him and gives chase, then jumps him, calling him a little twedge. He tells her he doesn't need any sister, "Jethel takes care of me now!" Jethel sighs. Willowsnap wants her to stay but Arro doesn't. She tells them they will need a house. Arro tells her the whole forest is their home. He asks if she really wants to stay. She can't let him live like an animals. Jethel shhs them. Two men with safari hats on must make this look good as they chase Koni, who yells for help. One man holds one of the boy's dogs while the other uses a stock to beat the boy's bare butt. Jethel arrives to stop them. Jethel thinks they are worse than silly...stupid. He hits them with his stick. Jethel tells them they think they own it all but don't even have their own wits. Jethel lets the boy stay, his chief, too. Ahnessah holds a shell or mask or something and plans, thinking compassion, loyalty, and honor are FireñEye's weaknesses. As Sylvie makes beds in the forest, Arro asks Koni if he misses his stone cold bed. He sniffs no and tells them about the plot to betray FireñEye who seems to be sitting on a rock playing a stick like a flute. Koni tells them the Consort will kill his dogs. Jethel comes to him and tells him he will have to catch him and deliver him to is time Ahnessah and he met, he says. The elf in the woods thinks him a little fool.
Cover art by Barry Blair and Colin Chan.
  Proof Positive #1  
  Proof Positive #1 first page "There are stories that could have been, or might never be. When the elves came to the World of Two Moons, they became a mirror to the humans who already lived there and from that rippling reflection have come tales no one now can say are true or false. These are the stories that come from the WORLDPOOL." This takes place between the climb out of the dark ages and his reach for the stars. Passage: Pignose's Rest, a pub where gambling goes on. A slimy man (Doop) bugs a big man who is drinking, calling him an elf guy. Doop makes fun of him but he ignores it but when he spits near or on him, he grabs him. A blond girl comes in and thinks he is the one. She is Deemer Elder and tells him his is Par Tolfsson. The man Par is an elf sniffer. Once when he was little, Par was lost in the woods, he wasn't alone, wasn't afraid, but can't remember what happened. After that, he was good at finding things, "So what's crawled up you?" She wants to hire him. She is a student from Iceholt. Her parents got her in, set her up. She is interested in tales of the old elves and wants to do a paper on them. He tells her the elves are stinkwind, fairy tales. She tells him there is proof the elves existed and shared this world with them. Years ago, someone hired him to find the elves. Back then, he went into the Forevergreen alone. He found a skull on a stick, unfriendly locals who told him to go back, and others who didn't want to talk about the spirits. He respects what is out there. Deep in there was a village that were different, happy to talk to him. They were on good terms with the spirits or used to be. A few of the natives who had gone deeper in to look for the spiritsñelves, hadn't returned. They let him see carvings and drawings on cave walls of mermen and mermaid elves. He has seen carvings like that all his life. He was taken out in a canoe on a river. He found a strange little tomb but it turned out to be human remains (the original Geoka?). He kept pushing to find the big city in the jungle. He found Junslanders some digging, some being soldiers. Junslanders liked to make everyone believe they didn't really believe in the spirits themselves. A guard was looking down over him. He stops his story there since his glass is empty. Deemer asks what comes next. He tells her that someone has to fill his glass before he goes on.