Samurai: A Silent Tale In Hawk & Windblade vol.1 #1
Two boys and a teen. Asian jungle washed by monsoon rains.
A vicious monster, clawed and jawed, striking in the back.
A sword is drawn, a savage fight, and it is over.
Wind & Water:
A Silent Tale
In Hawk & Windblade vol.1 #2
Wizardling Windblade, in his Sidhe outfits, is drifted ashore from his underwater dream.
Two wolves come interested by his laying unconscious body.
Then he awakes, frightened at first.
Lifting in the air, he evades the beasts, when suddenly...
Elflord vol. 1 #1 beginning in Elfquest vol. 2 #7
EL 6-2 Elflord story first page Hawk Erik—san treads lightly across the world lines, wandering, called by a timeless rhythm. He enters a flowery water area in a grove. In scattered, secret places, a race of beings——white haired, delicate——has come to exist. They take the name Sidhe and are charged with care of an ancient magic. One of their number, carrying within him a forceful destiny yet unknown is Windblade. There are forces at work that do not wish to see that destiny fulfilled. There is a fat white cat near him on steps as he is attacked by two creature men, each with one eye and messy hair. It is now that Hawk surfaces and sees this, fighting the one eyed monster men. He stabs one in the right side of the chest, puts himself whirling around to face the oncoming other, pulls his sword out of the one behind him and swipes across the second one. Two is greater than one. Hawk and Windblade have been set on parallel paths that may or may not lead to the same goal. For now, they journey in the same direction—toward a new land...a land that will know the coming of ELFLORD. Windblade picks up the cat after it rubs around their legs. The two go into the jungle as the cat sits on rock in the lake.CM
Warp Samurai beginning In Elflord vol. 1 #1
Kowloon: a boy loves this place of 9 dragons, he being the 9th. The General and the boy emperor dove to their deaths rather than surrender. Homer Bentley sits and reads but realizes a red boy in a thong and tunic is sneaking up on him as other also seem to fish. This boy seems to be a fairy that will lead Homer into the next world. They talk. Homer watches a girl who is a player in the current tragedy. Homer is amazed by a ripple on a pond can make such a flood. He will not explain himself more to the boy since the boy can do more mischief if he has more information. China: The girl thinks a boy on a bike is Gui Lo or Lo Fan. Homer seems to be working for the Fates or something. The boy on the bike eats noodles he thinks are good and he is using chop sticks. The girl walks past him, he thinking her stuck up and elitist. Homer is thankful Red Boy isn't here as he watches the boy drive off. The people of Han are in the hands of fate. CM

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